Selection procedure


regarding students’ participants in

Training for students

The selection procedure is organized within the project ERASMUS KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education, project no. 2022-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000088958, Cooperation to Implement Innovative Methods for the Assessment of Medicinal Plants with Central Roles in Pharmaceutics, Agriculture and Nutrition and based on the Legislation related to the program ERASMUS KA220-HED, Project Agreement: 3712/17.10.2022 and Agreements between partners.

This procedure is performed for the selection of students participating in mobility within the project Cooperation partnerships in higher education, project no. 2022-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000088958, Cooperation to Implement Innovative Methods for the Assessment of Medicinal Plants with Central Roles in Pharmaceutics, Agriculture and Nutrition. The student’s selection is conducted according to the current procedure and approved by the Management Committee.

The elaborated procedure aims to establish the selection criteria for 72 students, who are directly involved in the implementation of the project Cooperation partnerships in higher education, project no. 2022-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000088958, Cooperation to Implement Innovative Methods for the Assessment of Medicinal Plants with Central Roles in Pharmaceutics, Agriculture and Nutrition.

The allocation of the number of students participating in the training for students’ mobility within the project is mentioned in Table 1.

Training for studentsHost partner institutionPeriodInstitutionsTotal
Institution funds / Project fundsInstitution funds / Project fundsInstitution funds / Project fundsInstitution funds / Project funds
ROUMFVBT, Timisoara, Romania16-27.10.20236 / 06 / 00 / 60 / 624
HRUNIOS, Osijek, Croatia12-23.02.20240 / 60 / 66 / 00 / 624
ITUNICAL, Rende, Italy10-21.06.20240 / 60 / 60 / 66 / 024


The selection process will include the following stages:

1. The announcement of students’ selection

Will be on the website of the project.

The following requirements are applied:

  1. The announcement will include all the information’s related to the necessary documents for the selection (e.g., the registration conditions, application form, letter of interest, CV, and the period).
  2. The announcement will be published on the site at least one month before the first training for students.
  3. The announcement will refer to all the mobilities provided in the implementation plan of the above-mentioned project or one announcement will be made for each period provided for in the implementation plan. The selection of students will be completed at least two weeks before the training period.
  4. The announcement will clearly mention the deadlines for sending the documents, the e-mail address, the contact method of the participants and the date of the interview.
  5. A separate selection will be made for each of the three trainings.
  6. The announcement will also include a standard application form to be completed by the participants. Application form will include personal information of candidates, candidates’ option for one of the three training variants, contact address.

2. Preliminary selection of the candidates

After the deadline announced in the first stage, the selection committee related to each partner will analyse the documents submitted by the participants and will establish the students who meet the selection criteria.

The following considerations will apply in this selection stage:

  1. The selection committee will consist, in each partner organization, of the project manager and one/two members of the partner team. The project manager of each partner will nominate the persons designated for the selection of candidates.
  2. Eligibility check: to be admitted at a later stage, the file must contain all the required documents and meet the mandatory conditions of this procedure. The eligibility grid for applications is presented in Table 2.
  3. The student shall be considered admitted only if the “YES” box has been checked for all ELIGIBILITY criteria.
  4. Analysis of CVs and other submitted documents: At this stage it is verified first the meeting of the required studies in the fields of pharmaceutics, medicine, agriculture, and nutrition – mandatory requirements.
  5. The preliminary results will be brought to the notice of the candidates (on-line or on-site) and persons who meet the selection criteria will be notified by the evaluation committee regarding the date for attendance at the interview.

Table 2. File eligibility check grid

Standard application form – fully completed  
CV – detailed, Euro Pass, English  
Copy of ID document  
Documents related to school  
Letter of interest  
Studies in the fields of pharmaceutics, medicine, agriculture, and nutrition  

3. Final selection of the candidates

The students accepted in the selection performed according to first stage will be invited to the interview.

In this stage the following will be considered:

  1. The announcement regarding the date and the way (online or onsite) of the interview will be made by the evaluation team and will be addressed to each participant separately.
  2. Regarding the final decision, the student’s motivation, professional and English language skills will be considered.
  3. Each member of the evaluation commission will give a score between 1-5 (as presented in table 3) regarding the selection of candidates.
  4. Based on the individual scores, the average of the score obtained by each candidate will be established.
  5. Depending on the order of the obtained scores and the options selected by the candidates, the budgeted or non-budgeted places mentioned in table 1 will be assigned.
  6. The results will be brought to the notice of the candidates and the procedure for signing the individual contracts for the participants financed through the project will be started.

Table 3. Criteria and evaluation scale

CriteriaEvaluation scale
CV evaluation1 (insufficient) 2 (sufficient) 3 (good) 4 (very good) 5 (excellent)
Letter of interest analysis


The criteria to be met by students to be selected in the preliminary stage of mobility program are:

  1. final year students, master, or PhD students in the field of fields of pharmaceutics, medicine, agriculture, and nutrition for the student from Italy.
  2. master students or PhD students in the field of fields of pharmaceutics, medicine, agriculture, and nutrition requirements for the applicants from Croatia and Romania.
  3. to have a medium level of knowledge of English.

The evaluation criteria of the participants in the second phase will consider: CV analysis, the school situation, letter of interest, interview, and the participants’ options.


The minimum content of the candidate’s file is:

  1. application form enrolment in the evaluation and selection process (standard application form).
  2. CV – Euro pass format.
  3. copy according to the original of the identity document or of any other document attesting the identity, according to the law.
  4. letter of interest.
  5. copies of the study documents and scholar situation.

The lack of documents, the discrepancy between the information in the file and the documents requested from the candidates, their submission after the specified deadline automatically led to the exclusion / rejection of the candidate’s file.


The registration documents will be submitted / sent by email at the address mentioned in the announcement posted on each site of partner universities.


No.Stage related to the selection procedurePeriod
1The announcement of students’ selection10.06.2023 – 30.09.2023
2Documents submission01.08.2023 – 30.09.2023
3Selection of candidates15.09.2023 – 02.10.2023
4Selection results – list of admitted students02.10.2023